Our vision

A European Umbrella
Bi+ Organisation

so all bi+ people in Europe - and beyond- with all their intersecting identities, needs and victories are represented by a well-structured bi+ entity.

Bi+ Equal

Who We Are

Bi+ Nederland” from The Netherlands and “Spectrum” from France joined forces, expertise and experience, and of course passion for equality. We respond to a longtime felt gap and will create the European bi+ umbrella legal entity.  The shape and functionalities of the entity, whether it is a network, organisation or collective, will be decided by all members through the process. This is simply done by the bi+ community, for the bi+ community!

Objective I
Mapping the existing bi+ initiatives, organisations and networks ​in Europe, conducting a needs assessment, and collecting and ​sharing good practices

Objective II
Facilitating capacity building, mutual learning and exchange, by ​organizing online and in person opportunities

Objective III
Explore and create a European bi+ legal entity through a ​participative process

Our Team

Core Team

And many more volunteers and members of the European bi+ community

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Barbara Oud

Co-founder and executive director of Bi+ Nederland, the Dutch organization for bi+ people & bi+ inclusion. Barbara is incredibly passionate about working on bi+ equality together with others, is part of a blended family and a once-a-week-yoga-lover.

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Soudeh Rad

Based in France, a life-time eco-queer-feminist activist, project manager and community builder, Soudeh has co-founded Spectrum in 2014. They are also a person of color, migrant, living with (dis)abilities, eager to share and passionate to learn!

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Monique Boesewinkel
Finance Director

Co-founder and board member of Bi+ Nederland. Monique is the finance hero of the project and is the happiest at the intersection of Excel spreadsheets and bi+ equality.

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Jantine van Lisdonk
Research Director

Researcher, advisor, advocate, speaker & writer, Jantine is co-founder of Bi+ Nederland and has successfully advocated for more knowledge on bi+ people. With an open vision she works on equality and inclusion for everyone

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Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh
Senior Researcher

Based in the UK, Zeynab is a researcher, lecturer, queer-feminist activist, and co-founded Spectrum in 2014. They wrote their PhD research about Iranian bi+ asylum seekers in Turkiye at the University of Huddersfield.

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Hilde Vossen
Mapping Coordinator

Longstanding bi+ activist at heart with an extensive love for networking and learning about how bi+ activists work on bi+ equality in their own country, Hilde is co-founder of Bi+ Nederland and co-hosted multiple EuroBiCons.

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Aida Marukyan

Armenian queer-feminist researcher specialised in grassroots community-based advocacy for LBQ women, prioritising community well-being in all activism efforts. Academic interests centre on exploring the intersections of gender and sexuality.

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Daphne Hermsen
Conference Coordinator

Working as an employee at Bi+ Nederland, Daphne is passionate about creating and spreading knowledge about the experiences of bi+ people and increasing bi+ visibility. Besides working on bi+ equality, Daphne feels happiest when she is dancing.

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Demet Gümüş
Governance Researcher

Demet is a queer-feminist governance enthusiast from Turkey who finds as much joy in untangling constitutional complexities as she does in cracking Sudoku puzzles.

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Tijn de Jong
Communication Coordinator

Tijn is an actor, theater maker, activist and educator. Focussing on sexual- and gender diversity among other themes. They also work as communications officer for Bi+ Nederland. On their instagram they share their work, activism and person stories.

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Veronica Walsh
Logistics Coordinator

Veronica is passionate about feminist, caring, and accessible logistics for events. They believe thoughtful planning helps our communities connect and thrive. Cooking for friends and chosen family is what brings them joy.

How can you get involved?

Want to Volunteer?

Are you passionate about Bi+ Equal and want to join us in this journey?
Fill up a form and we get back to you!

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Join the group

Join our self-managed google group and become a member of the Bi+ Equal network! This is going to be a safe space to share and learn, and simply bi+  together.
